Football, Football, Football!
I like all sports...well, with the exception of Golf.
But Football is my all-time favorite. Sadly I could watch it all day.
My brother Mark used to have all his friends over to play football in our front yard back in Ma.
Yep, you guessed it...I played too. I'm talking tackle football and I was 15 or 16......I loved it! I was the only girl.....see why I played????
Laura & I pride ourselves on being able to throw a perfect spiral.
My favorite time of the year.
Yep the days are getting shorter and its getting colder. As I write this it's 71. That's the high for the day. I love it!
So I got my BYU season tickets a few weeks ago in the mail and was so excited. I have 2 tickets so I get to take one of the kids each time I go. Austin usually wants the night game but there aren't any this year so he went to the one last week with me that was later in the afternoon. Thanks to Paul not being able to go, Laura had an extra seat so Nelson got to come too.
It was so fun to go with Laura & Parker and see Parker get so excited at everything around him. He knows the WHOLE cougar fight song! It is hilarious.
Max Hall (BYU quarterback- in case you didn't know)and Dennis Pitta(Tight End) were at our PG football game 2 weeks ago.
Nope, no picture, but it was kind of cool that they were there.BYU/UCLA game this weekend.
Next week my sister Laura is having her baby so my parents and my brother Mark will be here in town. It will be fun to have them here and I'm so excited to see my new niece Autumn.I'll probably take Mark to the BYU/Wyoming game with me...that will be fun.
We had a few soccer games this week (understatement)
Dinner with my Homeys
Dianna, Rachelle, Elena, Janice, Me & AnnetteLast weekend was Stake Conference and we all got to see each other after weeks of being apart after Trek.
We decided that we all needed to get together for dinner.
These women are a blast! We had a great time laughing and catching up on each others lives at Pizza Factory last night.
Mindi came from a Volleyball game and joined us.