A little about me; I was born in TX, raised in Massachusetts and have lived in 5 states. I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters and they are my best friends. My wonderful husband Ron and I have been married for 18 years and have 4 children ranging in age from 17-9.
I like to run(mostly so I can eat whatever I want) and I love to read. Some of my favorite authors are; David Baldacci, Robert Parker, Brad Thor, Mary Higgins Clark and Various LDS authors. I also like watching my favorite sport; Football! I am and have always been a Cowboys fan(see above place of birth) but the Pats are a close 2nd(I was born on Patriots day; I also lived there for quite a few years). I love watching BYU football and every year for my birthday I get seasons tickets to their games(Yes, that's what I ask for). I like to snowboard but I'm not that good and I am deathly afraid of heights! If you're ever in Utah and need a place to stay we have some open rooms-we've been known to take in strays.
I know everyone is cracking up at this picture.I can't believe we ever looked like this.This was taken 6 months after we were married....18 years ago! As Angie has mentioned....look at the BOW!! Seriously, what was I thinking?
This was actually while we were dating. Back in the good old days of Liberty Square.
Here we are going on a double date with my roommate Angela and my home teacher Joe.
And here we are on our anniversary this year. We went to the BYU game... Then we went to dinner later that night at our favorite Thai place.
Please tell me we look as young as we used to. I am so lucky to be married to such an understanding, patient and not to mention good-looking man!
So when we flew into San Diego we got our rental car(a PT cruiser) and drove straight to Newport Beach(well we ate first-at my favorite Mexican restaurant)
The beach was beautiful. It was about 75 degrees and perfect...mostly because there weren't many people there.
We laid out for a few hours....with no towels, because we forgot to bring some.
There were birds though. We started feeding them goldfish crackers and then we instantly got attacked. I thought I was in the movie 'The Birds'.
Friday night we went and saw 'Eagle Eye'.
Here is Lauren waking up on the morning of her birthday. Our hotel was nice...the Hilton in Costa Mesa.
We decided to go shopping on her birthday. We went to the South Coast Plaza...
Later that night we met my family on the beach and had a hotdog roast and sang Happy Birthday to Lauren.
Hannah made perfect marshmallows for my s'mores.
My brother Paul and his daughter Haylee.
Mom, Sydney and Me.
Sydney stole my camera and took some good photos. This was a self portrait.
After we left the beach Lauren & I drove around looking for a Dairy Queen because she really wanted an icecream cake for her birthday. We found one and brought it back to the hotel to eat. After we ate our fill we went down to the hot tub and hung out for an hour or so.
We put the cake in the fridge/freezer in the hotel room and the next morning it had melted all over. I had to clean the whole fridge!
We got ready for church and drove to Riverside for my families Stake Conference. It was good to see some old acquaintances.
We had dinner with my family and just hung out watching the Red Sox lose. Bummer!
On Monday we decided to go to Universal Studios. I haven't been there for 19 years.
Here is Lauren wearing her 4D glasses getting ready to go in the Shrek 4D movie.
These are the long escalators going from the upper and lower lots. There are 4 of them in a row and Lauren and I decided to run up the steps instead. There are over 400 of them. We did this 3 times throughout the course of the day. My thighs were BURNING!!!
Lauren and Dora! We did it!
You all know I secretly want to be a football star. So here was my chance.
We flew out Tuesday afternoon and got home that evening. I know I had a good time, I hope Lauren did too.
Lauren got her present today. Yah, it's not really her Birthday until Saturday but we had to give it to her early.
She looks a little confused. She kept reading the paper; not really knowing what it said.
Her & I are flying to Ca. for the weekend for her birthday and hanging out at the beach! We got a hotel for a few nights and then we'll go stay with my parents for a couple nights. We plan on going to Knotts(or Disneyland, we haven't decided)eating, shopping, laying out, eating some more and being lazy. We'll definitely post pictures of all the fun things we do.
Baby Autumn is getting bigger. She is so adorable!
And big brother Parker likes to have his picture taken. He likes to TAKE the pictures even more.
Here is the snow we got on Sunday. I couldn't believe it! Now you see why I'm going to the Beach? Every year about this time I tell Ron I want to move. I absolutely hate the cold!
Andrew, Trena & Jordan were here with us for the weekend. Andrew & I went to the BYU game on Sat. while Trena visited with Laura and got to see Autumn. We had a fun time with them and Jordan & Parker had a great time playing.